CookBook Home Page Salad Preparation Overview
I have assembled here some of my favorite recipes for my family and others who are interested. My grandmother, the infamous Ma-Moo as most of you know, was a good cook, and we failed to have her record some of her treasures. The only thing she left behind is a legacy of anecdotes which image her as an oaf. I am sure that some of the family anecdotes about me will carry with them a whiff of the oafish as well as elfish. But I also want to leave something which is very dear to me - what I make in the kitchen.

One of the pleasures of cooking for me is that each year I feel that I have learned new facts, tricks of the trade, broader and more tasteful use of condiments all of which adds up to the feeling that each year I become a better cook. For me this sense of continued learning and improvement is one of the principle sources of satisfaction.

Only a few of the recipes are truly my own. The majority are items that come from my friends or verbatim from cookbooks and often contain minor or significant changes. At my discretion I will usually footnote the source.

With the exception of breads and peanut butter I cook what I like and what I can do better than the market place. The intriguing and humbling truth of the matter is that with each year the market place does a better and better job in such areas as baking mixes, ice cream and, frozen desserts. Store bought often eclipses or equals my efforts. I prefer bakery breads and store peanut butter to any of my efforts.
On a final note I would like to put in a pitch for my made-up word groilus or groylus; either spelling is acceptable, and I hope it will be used by the family not only in the here and now, but by succeeding generations. Of course my most ambitious hope is that its use will become widespread and eventually make way into the official vernacular-- nothing less than the WEBSTER! The definition is: Any combination of two or more edible foods that when combined produce surprising new flavor, ex. peanut butter and jelly; egg, lemon and butter (hollandaise); cream cheese and lox; pineapple and mint. The closest synonym I can think of is: bouquet. The use of this word can be stretched to include other surprising mixes such as you: A combination of your mother and father genes producing something unique and at times unrecognizable. Another example from a totally different arena; green: which is mix of yellow and blue. (Betty P. pointed out to me, after the 1st addition, that the French word "marriage" can be found in cook books and has the same meaning).

I hope that the recreation of these recipes
will give the maker and the receivers a sense of continuity.

Paul Feder